Free Eviction Notice Templates | Notices to Quit (All Types)

An eviction notice is used by a landlord to begin the eviction process for a tenant who has violated any part of their lease agreement, such as not paying rent or engaging in criminal activity on the property. Each state has its own requirements and laws governing the eviction process, which is sometimes referred to as an “unlawful detainer” or “forcible entry and detainer.”

Eviction Notice Template – Adobe PDF, MS Word, OpenDocument

Official eviction notice informing the tenant of their lease violation. It can be used for late rent, non-compliance, or illegal acts committed on the property. All eviction notices should be sent via Certified Mail (with Return Receipt).

State-Required Notice Periods – The required number of days that a landlord must give to the tenant after serving an eviction notice. After the notice period ends, the landlord can begin eviction proceedings.

By State

By Type

Non-Payment of Rent – This notice is specifically used for a tenant’s failure to pay the monthly rent on time. If the overdue rent and any additional late fees are not paid within the state-required time period, the tenant will usually have to vacate the premises while still owing the balance to the landlord.

Non-Compliance – This notice is given to a tenant who has violated any part of a lease other than non-payment of rent. There are two types of compliance notices: Curable, which allows the tenant to “cure” or fix the violation within a specified timeframe, and incurable, which does not allow the tenant to “cure” the issue and orders them to vacate the property.

Lease Termination Letter (Cancel a Month-to-Month Lease) – If the landlord and tenant have a rental arrangement where either may cancel at any time, this letter stating a termination date may be used to cancel the lease. The notice must be given within the state-mandated timeframe (if any). Usually, the notice period is 30 days.

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