Design and Manufacturing of Mini Steam Power Plant Project

The steam power plant is the major source of producing electricity. Almost all demand of electricity is fulfilled by steam power plant. Steam power plant is also widely known as thermal power plant. This steam power generator project will demonstrate the construction and working of mini steam power plant. The mini steam power plant is an example of Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) control system. For the steam generator, pressure and temperature of water, heat input are the input key parameters while for turbine pressure, temperature and mass flow rate of steam are key variables of input. The thermodynamic design of boiler involves time taken for the superheated steam at design pressure at required mass flow rate. This superheated steam is given to the turbine. Here the pressure cooker is used as a boiler which acts as a steam generator. The boiler is connected to the turbine made by metal sheet with the help of piping system to provide generated steam at turbine location. Further the turbine shaft is connected to DC motor shaft. So, as the steam energy is converted to electrical energy.

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Block Diagram