Facebook friends generally have the most access to your profile content and are the only people allow to create new content for your Wall. A list of your friends appears on the left side of your profile, along with your total number of friends. From time to time, you may notice that the number of your friends has gone down. When that happens, it is possible that someone unfriended you; however, Facebook never sends notifications about unfriending.
When another user unfriends you, you no longer appear on her friend list. If she has elected to hide her profile content from non-friends, you may be unable to see parts of her profile that you previously had access to. Even if you can still see her profile Wall, you will no longer be permitted to post anything to it once you are no longer her friend on the site. The opposite is also true -- someone who unfriends you may no longer post new content to your Wall.
Advertisement Article continues below this adNotifications are a way for Facebook to communicate with a user when there is new activity associated with her account. While you are notified of just about every new action a friend takes regarding your account -- such as sending you a message or posting on your Wall -- unfriending is one of the few exceptions. You will not receive a notification, either on your Facebook Wall or via email, when someone unfriends you.